Vortrag:"How to avoid being killed in a Warzone" 20.08.15 Köln

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    • Vortrag:"How to avoid being killed in a Warzone" 20.08.15 Köln

      So Leute,

      da ich durch das Thema des Überlebens beim Globetrotter in Köln bin ich dort auch noch auf eine zweite Veranstaltung gestoßen:


      How to Avoid Being Killed in a War Zone

      Vortrag von Rosie Garthwaite (in englischer Sprache)

      Meet Rosie Garthwaite, former war correspondent, British Army officer, and author of the award winning book How to Avoid Being Killed in a War Zone. She will walk you through the ups and downs of life in the Middle East as a journalist and filmmaker from revealing the first British army torture case in Iraq to following the first Saudi woman up Everest. She lives and works at the frontline of change in the region. Her aim is to tell the stories of the MENA region of the world from her base there and help to shift focus away from the perpetual Western view of the “oppressed” and “destroyed” people to a more normal understanding.

      Termin: 20.08.2015
      Einlass: ca. 20:15 Uhr | Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
      Ort: Globetrotter Filiale Köln
      VVK € 12 | AK € 14
      VVK GlobetrotterCard-Inhaber: € 10


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